Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Friday - September 26, 2008

blogroll updates

I added Right U R. This is a pretty new blog. Let’s see how it grows. I like what he’s put up so far:


I also fixed CMBlake’s link.

That is all.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/26/2008 at 07:10 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 23, 2008

Euro MPs are preparing to vote on proposals for European Union regulation of blogs .

Anyone critical of the left and the EU and those working and speaking out against membership in the EU.

Euro MPs to vote on anonymous blog ban
Euro MPs are preparing to vote on proposals for European Union regulation of blogs with the aim of countering a “dangerous” and unregulated blogosphere.

By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels
Last Updated: 6:41PM BST 22 Sep 2008

Marianne Mikko, an Estonian centre-left MEP, is concerned that growing numbers of blogs are being used by individuals with “malicious intentions or hidden agendas”.

“The blogosphere has so far been a haven of good intentions and relatively honest dealing. However, with blogs becoming commonplace, less principled people will want to use them,” she said.

Mrs Mikko has proposed that bloggers should be required to identify themselves and that some popular blogs should come with a declaration of interests.

“We do not need to know the exact identity of bloggers. We need some credentials, a quality mark, a certain disclosure of who is writing and why. We need this to be able to trust and rely on the source,” she said.

Chris Heaton Harris, a British Conservative Euro MP, has rejected any moves to “regulate and restrict independent media sources”.

“Mrs Mikko obviously does not understand that blogs have become the life blood of a vibrant democracy,” he said.

(of course she doesn’t. look where the heck she’s from. she is used to having those above tell her how and what to think. comrade.)

“I hope these proposals are kicked out.”

Thursday’s vote in the European Parliament is not legally binding but is an indicator of growing EU concern over the influence of blogs on the internet.

A recent internal European Commission report, leaked three weeks ago, found that the EU was losing the battle for hearts and minds online.

“Blog activity remains overwhelmingly negative,” it said.

(and the commission will damn well NOT tolerate that by gum and by gosh)


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/23/2008 at 04:31 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - September 21, 2008


"Once there was a brave slogan “Rule, Britannia”.  The modern take (and far more accurate to my mind) is “Rue, Britannia!”
(Valgerd, comments Sept.20)


Gordon Brown isn’t alone in making such grand annunciations and he’ll not be the last.

Keep a watchful eye out for the next politician attempting to woo us with promises of a bright and untroubled future… whoever it’s going to be will be prey to the same deluded arrogance all too many politicians suffer and is probably penning their speeches even as we speak, so I doubt we’ll be long waiting.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/21/2008 at 02:34 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 18, 2008

THE ITALIAN FIRST LADY OF FRANCE in an answer to Drew’s question which was ….

A day or so ago my new friend and puter guru (He didn’t volunteer) our BMEWS tech guy Drew asked the question,

Doesn’t this lady wear any cloths?  May not be an exact quote but it’s close.

Since Drew has spent considerable time answering my questions, I thought I’d answer one of his.  Although to be fair this was a far easier question and more fun for me to answer, then are my tech troubled questions to him, the answers of which I’m still working on btw.

So, my entry here is dedicated to Drew and other males like myself who really do appreciate feminine beauty when it’s fully clothed as well.

Cheers All .....

Oh yeah ... sorry I ran short but I’m kinda new at this stuff.
The music is Artie Shaw, recorded in the 1930’s ..  “A Pretty Girl. (is like a melody)”


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/18/2008 at 07:18 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 16, 2008


A HUGE AS IN VERY LARGE H/T To Valgerd for making me aware of this.

I’ll add nothing. Except to say, it’s chilling.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/16/2008 at 05:01 AM   
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calendar   Monday - September 15, 2008

A satirist dealt a cutting blow to Sarah Palin over the weekend.  HUH? I missed something?

OK folks.  I watched this also. I laughed because it was funny.
What have I missed?
According to this report in The Telegraph, Mrs. Palin “received a cutting blow?” Huh? Maybe it’s my age.
It was a comedy skit. Was there something else I was supposed to see?
Yes. I get it.  SNL isn’t exactly a hotbed of conservative thinking.  Most of the entertainment world is left wing libtardage. (that’s libtard and garbage combined)
But I don’t understand some comments I’ve read that says SNL could turn ppl away from our Sarah.
So I’m posting this report from the US by a Brit reporter, and await your comments.  And please, keep it civil. Palin would.

A satirist dealt a cutting blow to Sarah Palin over the weekend, succeeding in poking fun at the Alaskan governor where her Democratic rivals have thus far failed.

Tina Fey lands the first punch at Sarah Palin in Saturday Night Live sketch
By Alex Spillius in Washington

The Republican vice-presidential nominee was submitted to a devastating parody by actor and comedian Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live , a national institution that has been known to change the political winds before.

Appearing alongside an actress playing Senator Hillary Clinton for a “non-partisan message on sexism”, Ms Fey, who has a striking natural resemblance to John McCain’s running mate, perfected her flat northern accent and mannerisms down to the last raised eyebrow.

Returning to the show for a one-off appearance, Ms Fey’s script sharply probed weak spots in Mrs Palin’s curriculum vitae, including her thin foreign policy experience and her views on climate change, suggesting that the Republican candidate for vice-president lacked the New York senator’s substance.

After an earnest Mrs Clinton, played by Amy Poehler, said she believed global warming was “caused by man”, Ms Fey’s character said, “And I believe it’s just God huggin’ us closer.”

A frustrated Mrs Clinton argued: “...diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy”.

Ms Fey, as Mrs Palin, chirped: “And I can see Russia from my house.”

While this comment drew loud laughter from the studio audience at the filming of the NBC comedy programme, Ms Fey’s character’s words were not dramatically different from those uttered by the real Mrs Palin in a TV interview last week.

During the primary campaign, a sketch making fun of the media’s fawning over Senator Barack Obama caused the press to rethink its coverage. In 2000, an impression of Al Gore’s performance in the debates made the phrase “lock box” ubiquitous and is attributed with undermining his White House bid.

Ms Fey was a cast member of NBC’s Saturday Night Live from 1997-2006 before she left to write and star in the award-winning “30 Rock.”

On board Mrs Palin’s campaign plane, journalists were told by stewards that she was watching in the VIP section of the charter’s satellite TV system. As reporters howled with laughter during the five-minute skit, there was reportedly silence from the front of the plane.

UPDATE: Here’s what you missed Peiper:

I don’t think they got the Hildabeast’s witchy cackle quite right, but the rest of it is pretty good.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/15/2008 at 11:28 AM   
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This was taken from palinforvp blog site. Here’s the link.
I like this fellow.  He’s quickly to the point and doesn’t waste words.  I like his site and you might too. There are some good links there as well. I’m not even certain how I found it, but I’m happy that I did.

Gibson and Fey

UPDATE: This should be essential reading. The Mark Levin Show has posted ABC’s UNEDITED trnascript of the Palin interview. All of the best quotes from Gov. Palin, especially on foreign policy, were edited out!

Well, a lot has happened in the past few days, notably Gov. Palin’s interview with Charlie Gibson and the debut of the Saturday Night Live version of Sarah Palin (played by Tina Fey). Both of these are important developments that I want to talk about.

First, let’s talk about the Charlie Gibson interview. I’ve heard a lot of debate over whether Mr. Gibson’s line of questioning was fair, and I personally don’t think it was. It was definitely a good idea for him to ask tough questions on foreign policy (I specifically likes the questions about Georgia and NATO), but I do think that the question about the “Bush Doctrine” was out of line. Here’s why: there is no set definition of the “Bush Doctrine”, a term which has been applied to any number of different policies and which Charlie Gibson clearly has not studied. I would highly recommend Charles Krauthammer’s column on the subject, which clearly outlined a number of different definitions which have been applied to the term “Bush Doctrine”. Here’s what I thought to be the “money quote” from that article:

Yes, Palin didn’t know what it is. But neither does Gibson. And at least she didn’t pretend to know—while he looked down his nose and over his glasses with weary disdain.”

Krauthammer also brings me to my second point, which is that Mr. Gibson spent the entire interview LITERALLY staring staring down his nose at the next Vice President of the United States. He seemed to have no interest in what she had to say, and premised all of his questions (on everything from the “bridge to nowhere” to “Troopergate") on the idea that she was lying to him. If he didn’t get the answer he wanted, he simply got angry rather than trying to understand what was being said. All in all, I think that Gov. Palin did a good job, especially considering the biased line of questioning.

Now, on to Tina Fey of Saturday Night Live.  While SNL may not be horribly relevant, it is widely watched and fun to discuss. Personally, I had been wondering for quite some time who would play Gov. Palin if we succeeded. Fey was certainly the natural choice, but I didn’t actually expect SNL to bring her back to the program just for the purpose of portraying Sarah Palin. I’m glad that I was wrong, and for my two cents, I thought that her Palin was fantastic. As someone who has had to watch every TV appearance by Gov. Palin for the last year and a half, I laughed my head off at all of the little quirks that Tina Fey managed to pick up (licking her teeth, the way she waved, facial expressions, everything). And on a side note, it creeped me out that I knew so much about the minutia of Gov. Palin’s facial gestures. Oh, well.

Next time, I’ll be taking on the experience issue by comparing the credentials of Sarah Palin with the pre-Presidency resumes of two heroes of the Democratic Party: Bill Clinton and Woodrow Wilson.

Posted by Adam Brickley, aka “ElephantMan” at 9/14/2008


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/15/2008 at 09:02 AM   
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calendar   Monday - September 08, 2008

Michael Moore: the stupidest white man. ( Moore is someone I admit I’d love to have in gun sight)

I really don’t HATE that many people. Honestly I don’t.  Lets see, there’s the MIL but I don’t wanna shoot her.
I’m not even sure I hate OBL as much as I do Moore.  I see him, Moore, as a prime traitor and a gross lying SOB.  So yeah, I’d probably take a pot shot at the bastard if given a chance.  I imagine that looks pretty bad here in print but hey.  It’s how I feel about that slug.
Apparently a writer for the Telegraph doesn’t think much of him either.

Some of the comments on this are a bit over the top.  Don’t ya just love these “experts” who know about America and haven’t a clue.

By Daniel Hannan
The Telegraph

I’ve just walked past a poster in Victoria Station plugging Michael Moore’s new book. “Bring back the draft - but only draft the rich. If they have to serve, they won’t be so eager to start ridiculous wars,” it says.

Hmm, let’s see where these political shirkers are skulking, shall we? Why not start at the very top, with the presidential and vice-presidential candidates? Sarah Palin’s son Track is being deployed to Iraq next week.

Joe Biden’s son Beau is scheduled to go on 3 October. John McCain’s son Jimmy had been quietly serving in the desert without his father making a fuss: the old boy was furious when the news leaked. (Moore plainly finds such modesty incomprehensible). The only one not to be risking his children is Barack Obama, whom one can hardly blame since a) he opposed the war throughout and b) his beautiful little girls are 10 and 7.

In fact, the skiver here seems to be Moore himself, who managed to shoot the whole of Fahrenheit 9/11 without at any stage risking his generous arse by actually visiting Iraq, where much of the action is set. Falstaff-like, the greasy tallow-catch prefers to roar from the sidelines: “A plague on all cowards - give me a cup of sack, boy”.

(shiver, lazy person who shirks work and responsibility. not to be trusted.)


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/08/2008 at 07:32 AM   
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No one ever won a pissing contest with a skunk. Tannenberg’s take on Palin critics.

Last week I posted the following headline with the article.
Palin’s Alaska aides will be forced to reveal her office secrets in Trooper gate inquiry

Under comments, Tannenberg correctly said things should be met head on and hide nothing.
Also under comments, Dr. Jeff wrote the following which I see as an editorial, and a darn good one it is.  So, not that I’m lazy but. Can I write like this?
Sure. And cats can bark but see no reason to.

Jeff makes great points and I didn’t want it wasted and so am posting it here.  I can’t see any reasonable person taking issue with him.  If ya do, have at it.


Putting aside the question of when and how Governor Palin should deal with the problem, do I understand correctly that the primary push for the investigation itself and the urge to move it up come from Democrats”

Hollis French, the Democratic senator who chairs the judiciary committee, stoked the furore when he predicted last week: “It’s likely to be damaging to the Governor’s administration.”

Steven Blanchflower, the independent prosecutor conducting the investigation, was originally due to deliver his report on Oct 31, just four days before the presidential election. But the judiciary committee brought the probe forward to change such a politically-loaded schedule.

Italics mine.

OK, I’m guessing that Governor Palin had no love for Wooten who definitely did some strange stuff.  Don’t forget, the kid was Palin’s nephew.  So, I’m also assuming (yeah, dangerous word) that Governor Palin probably rode the fine edge of the law in dealing with Monegan and Wooten.  Innocent or guilty, the Dems will use it as an albatross around her neck.

Hollis French is telegraphing the hits the Dems are going to use in a massive smear campaign.  You don’t think a Democratic Senator on the Judiciary Committee would influence an investigation, do you?  You don’t think he might influence the emphasis on one area of the report over another, do you?

There are ways to report the same set of facts, that, while they may maintain the same technical meaning, will have a grossly different emotional meaning.

Short thought that gave me a smile.  Considering that he comes from Illinois & Chicago politics, Obama knows full well that Wooten would have been found in a ditch had he messed with the family of any Illinois politician.

Going on to the other bit that got my attention is:

In the last few days, video footage of her describing the Iraq war as “a task from God” and urging trainee pastors to pray for a new gas pipeline as “God’s will” has been unearthed and posted on YouTube. As a fundamentalist Christian who advocates the teaching of intelligent design (a form of biblical creationism) in schools and opposes abortion even when a mother was raped or her life is at risk, her beliefs certainly appeal to the hardline Religious Right but may deter more mainstream swing voters.

The right or wrong of the political positions are now overshadowed by the religious position.  My experience is that a significant number of mainstream (not just leftist) voters are uncomfortable with hardcore Evangelicals having political power.  If you get to the left of the mainstream, the reaction is far worse.  No wonder Obama says his campaign won’t touch the issues of Palin’s daughter, Trooper Gate and her faith.  He’s got lots of hatchet men to do it for him.

What no one is taking into consideration is that the President’s religious beliefs actually can’t change the law of the land by any great amount.  Our system has a lot of checks and balances built in, limiting legislation based purely on an individual person’s faith, or even the faith of the majority.  Personally, what I would expect from Governor Palin, is that she would feel required by her beliefs, to do the best job possible for the welfare of the American people.  The biggest problem will be to separate the emotionalism the Dems are using, from the reality of the qualities that she would bring with her.  One demonstration of Evangelical faith in government is that I seem to remember is that when John Ashcroft first started as Attorney General, a major abortion clinic bomber (forget his name) was caught.  I know that neither Ashcroft nor G.W. Bush who appointed him, liked abortion.  However, I saw nothing held back in the bomber’s prosecution.  They nailed him and they nailed him good.  They understood that whether or not they liked abortion clinics, they were sworn to uphold the law of the land, the man had broken the law and needed to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The matter of her daughter I see as mostly a personal, family matter, to be left out of the news.  At some time, there should be a picture of the proud Grandmother holding the newborn baby, standing next to the smiling daughter and that’s about it.  All considered, the Governor and her family seem to be handling it quite well.  Summation:  daughter is pregnant, they love their daughter and they will support and help the daughter.

Kids have been going against their parent’s teaching and wishes since the dawn of recorded history.  What is significant is not that the daughter is pregnant, but how it is dealt with within the Palin family.  Unless something really awful occurs, even that issue is irrelevant to anyone outside the Palin family.  Sometime though, there’s got to be a way to dump the a**hole boyfriend.  I’ve got more of a problem with Bristol’s taste in men than I do with her pregnancy.  I spent some time this weekend with enthusiastic Democrats.  They’re talking about how horrible Governor Palin must be, because she’s an Evangelical and her daughter is pregnant.  They think the pregnant daughter is a good thing, because it now guarantees Obama and company the Presidency.  Don’t ask me to explain, I’m just reporting what I heard.

Never confuse fact with reality.

Dr. Jeff



Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/08/2008 at 06:44 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 04, 2008

“The most impressive statue depends on its ankles to support it.” Blake6 has the last word.

I had intended my first post of the day would be the story of an 11 year old local girl who is trapped in Russia at the moment. An interesting story I will get to.  But having seen Drew’s post on what’s happened back home in the states, my story can wait awhile.  I’m worked up in fact damn angry as I know some of you are.

Saying I’m appalled by what I have seen in Drew’s recent post with regard to the attack on the buses would be an understatement.  Shocked I guess but I shouldn’t be shocked at all, should I?  That’s how our enemies conduct themselves.  It’s never been any different that I’m aware of.  This however might be the first time lives have been put in danger.  Unless I missed something elsewhere.

I’ve always found it interesting that the left will never have an honest debate or even a civilized conversation on our differences of how America ought to be.  No. Instead they shout you down, insult you and never shut up long enough for an opposing thought to share the air.  Then it occurred to me, the left doesn’t want dialog on how America ought to be.  The left wants America dead.

I had read about these attacks in the newspapers of course, but seeing the videos and the comments of American street terrorists in action really brought things home to me.  How has it come to this pass?  How’d we let it get this far without hitting back and hitting hard.  I believe many of you know me well enough by now to understand exactly what I mean when I say hit back.  Why have we allowed traitors to thrive in our midst and melt the glue that has held us together, with all our warts, through thick and thin for so long?

I have long been aware and I dare say you have as well, of the treason of the left.  I think however speaking only for myself, I somehow, somewhere lost the thread to the extent of that treason.

Islam alone is not the enemy. No. It’s us. It’s the enemy within.  It’s the dupes of the left and the subject I’m always always banging on about. Our fifth filth column.  You don’t have to be told who they are.  You know damn well who.  Dupes might possibly be re-educated as there’s hope for some.  But the leadership of the left has, no must be dealt with.  Quietly, ever so silently, but dealt with and eliminated.  It can’t happen overnight but it is doable. 

There are organization both in America and abroad whose aim is the death of our country. Nothing less.
They can hide behind pretty words and the constitution and legalese but, they want America gone as we have known her. 

In the comments section of Drew’s excellent posting on the subject, cmblake6 put it all into fewer and better words.  Where I’m angry and frustrated and tend to get a bit wordy, Blake6 covers it with absolute cold logic.
So he has the final word on my posting.

“Where we have tried to keep ourselves above the sort of depravity/insanity the other side indulges in, they have been gnawing away at our ankles. And the most impressive statue depends on its ankles to support it. We try to show the light on the hill, they put on a blindfold. We’ve got to tear that blindfold off, even if it means going in to their sphere to get to it.”


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/04/2008 at 11:10 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 02, 2008

I’m not proud of it but human nature DOES sometimes make us all racist.

I posted a story on this subject yesterday and today in the Mail was another editorial on the subject by Max Hastings.

It’s very much well worth your reading and points out very well the idiocy of the left.  Make NO mistake. They are not just idiots. If they were simply that they wouldn’t be the threat they are. 

Last updated at 7:48 AM on 02nd September 2008

Under fire: Respected academic George Steiner is in trouble after making comments about having Jamaican neighbours

You may not have heard of George Steiner, but he is one of the cleverest men in Britain.

A professor of comparative literature, 79 years old, his Jewish family emigrated from France in 1940.

He lives and writes in Cambridge. And today he is in deep trouble with the multicultural lobby.

Steiner has made headlines with remarks to a Spanish newspaper, discussing his new novel.

Racism, he said, is inherent in everyone. Racial tolerance is only skin-deep.  ‘It is very easy to sit here in this room and say racism is horrible,’ he told his interviewer.
‘But ask me the same thing if a Jamaican family moved next door with six children and they play reggae and rock music all day.

‘Or if an estate agent comes to my house and tells me that because a Jamaican family has moved next door the value of my property has fallen through the floor. Ask me then!’

The usual suspects - race-relations bodies, Muslim groups, minority spokesmen - have denounced Steiner’s remarks as ‘offensive, cranky, lazy generalisations’.

Yet reading what he said, I found myself remembering a day at Heathrow more than 20 years ago.

A heavenly cockney cleaner named Elsie Elmer worked for our family for almost 40 years. Elsie was a widow, a Londoner through and through.

When she was 77, she suddenly announced that she could no longer endure life in Hammersmith, where on both sides of her little house Jamaican neighbours played music full-blast through the night, every night.

One day, I drove her to the airport to emigrate to Australia, where she had a son living.

She hated to go and wept buckets. But she felt that her street, her city, were no longer the places which she knew and loved.

That is why George Steiner’s words, which have got him into such hot water, struck a powerful chord with me.

He was making the point that it is very easy for us middle-class types, living in our cosy social enclaves with not a black or brown face in sight, to strike noble postures about race and immigration.

Too glibly, we demand from others a tolerance which costs us nothing.

Three years ago, an impeccably liberal study-group published a book entitled The New East End, which sent shockwaves through the race-relations industry.

It described the bitterness of many established white residents in East London towards Bangladeshi newcomers, who were perceived - sometimes justly - as receiving preferential treatment for housing and social services, while introducing values at odds with those of the traditional cockney community.

The book explicitly cited the follies of middle-class liberal politicians and social workers, whose own lives were safely isolated from the consequences, trying to impose make-believe ideals on others.

Nobody sensible could have supposed that the authors of The New East End were a bunch of racists.

They were merely honest researchers, describing the predicament of the white working-class, which perceived itself dispossessed by newcomers of its rights and heritage.

George Steiner is telling the same story. He knows that tribe, identity, matter to all of us.

We want to be good citizens, and most of us are determined to rub along with the new world, in which all manner of people from different cultures have been thrust upon us.  But it is not easy. The fools are those who pretend it is.

Many of us learned at school to cherish our literary and historic heritage - Dickens and Jane Austen, Marlborough, Wellington and Churchill.

There is an inevitable gap between us and those who share no part of that legacy, and in some cases do not want their children to learn to do so.

Watching Shakespeare’s history plays performed, I am a little embarrassed to admit that I struggle to believe in black actors playing Henry V or Richard III, or indeed their courtiers.

This is not, I hope, because I am a bigot, but because I cannot forget that, in the Middle Ages, Britain had no black kings or lords.

Now, the answer to that one is that all dramas, including Shakespeare’s history plays, are fictions which should transcend national cultures.

When I am thinking as a grown-up, I recognise this.

But, in the spirit of Steiner’s remarks, I must admit the need to make an effort to become colour-blind.

I am not proud of saying this - it is just the way most of us are made.

Steiner was perhaps a little careless in his choice of words, in seeming to express indiscriminate scepticism about immigrants.

In truth, I think, we are pretty good at accepting people of any race who adopt the customs and lifestyle of our tribe - which is why race relations among the young in Britain are much better than they might be.

Many of the children of immigrants talk and behave just like their white counterparts, and are accepted on equal terms.

We direct our spleen against those - black, brown, or white - who behave anti-socially.

It is as repugnant to find a white teenage girl lurching drunk down a train as to see a black van-driver deafening whole streets by playing his stereo full-blast with open windows.

Our old daily, Elsie Elmer, did not leave Britain because her new neighbours were black, but because they behaved like beasts.

She would have suffered as much from their music if they had been white.

If they had adopted civilised values - which have nothing to do with class or race, everything to do with decency - she would have died in her London home.

George Steiner must be right - indeed, he expresses a familiar truth about human behaviour - when he suggests that we are most comfortable in the company of others like ourselves.

That does not mean that we expect neighbours and fellow citizens to vote the same way, to like the same music and films, choose the same holidays or favour the same clothes.

We merely want to share a common framework of values and behaviour, and we struggle in the company of those who do not, whatever their colour.

I was talking at the weekend to one of the most sensible pillars of the race-relations industry about the case of Tarique Ghaffur, the assistant commissioner who has denounced the Metropolitan Police for alleged discrimination about his promotion.

My friend said: ‘You must remember that somebody like that goes through his whole career knowing that every time he walks into a room, most of the people in it are not hostile - but they feel a vague sense that he is not like them.’

This does not mean that Ghaffur is the victim of discrimination, simply that his relationships are fractionally different from those among white colleagues.

It is nobody’s fault. It is just tribalism at work, of the kind which has influenced mankind since the beginning of time.

Only in a world where foolish race lobbies try to force multi-culturalism down our throats could its existence be disputed.

Mass immigration is imposing huge pressures on our society, and on the goodwill of its established residents.

What is remarkable is not how badly most people behave in consequence, but how well.George Steiner has stated simple truths, and only the idiot Left could deny their reality.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 09/02/2008 at 10:00 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffColleges-ProfessorsRacism and race relationsUK •  
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calendar   Monday - September 01, 2008

Such An Accident

Blogger who criticized the Kremlin shot dead while in police custody

I think the bear is getting a mite bit too ferocious, don’t you?

The owner of a news website that criticised the Kremlin was shot dead yesterday.  Magomed Yevloyev, who opposed the Russian-backed administration of Ingushetia, was detained by police when he landed at the region’s airport, according to colleagues.  A report from the Russian news agency Interfax said Mr Yevloyev, whose website has survived repeated official attempts to close it down, was shot by accident.

A source was quoted as saying that while officers were transferring him ‘to an interior ministry office, an incident occurred in which Mr Yevloyev received a gunshot wound to the temple area’.

Ingushetia is in the Russian North Caucasus and borders Chechnya and North Ossetia.

Accidentally got capped upside the head. Accidentally?? Yeah, and all the people opposed to Idi Amin accidentally died in bus crashes.

The authorities in the volatile province in southern Russia said Magomed Yevloyev was shot in the head accidentally while resisting arrest, the Paris-based non-governmental organization reported. 

According to The Associated Press, the site’s deputy editor Ruslan Khautiyev said that Yevloyev arrived in Ingushetia from Moscow on Sunday on the same plane as regional President Murat Zyazikov. He said the police blocked the jet on the runway after it landed in Ingushetia’s provincial capital, Magas, boarded the plane and took Yevloyev off.

Yevloyev was then whisked away in a car and later dumped at the side of a road with a gunshot wound to the head, he said.

Magomed ... Mohammed? Do we have a case of an islamic activist getting offed here? Or are the New Reds equal opportunity thugs?

An impoverished province with a largely Muslim population, Ingushetiya has suffered for almost a decade from unrest spilling over from neighboring Chechnya.

President Zyazikov’s administration is battling a low-level Islamist insurgency, who launch frequent attacks on Russian servicemen and law enforcement officials.  In response, Russia has launched a counterinsurgency campaign that has been criticized by human rights group for abuses such as arbitrary detentions and extra-judicial executions.

Over the years, Yevloyev had fiercely criticized Zyazikov. Last year, he accused Zyazikov on his Web site of hiring hit-men to kill him, Reporters Without Borders said.

I found a link to a page that tells a very, very different story: the arrest of this guy was carried out using a whole squadron of cops, and a street battle ensued between the cops and Yevloyev’s supporters.

“In a few minutes after the departure of president’s motorcade, another cavalcade of armored cars drove up to the plane – two UAZ cars and four Volgas. Armed to-the-teeth policemen poured out of the cars. Interior Minister Musa Medov was among them. Having seen Magomed Evloev, the policemen went for him to drag into the UAZ,” Khazbiev said.

It was the action-thriller then.

Relatives and friends of Evloev rushed to rescue him, breaking glass doors and pushing away airport guards, to no avail though. The police fired down a few bursts and escaped with Evloev by emergency route.

His body was dumped by the side of the road. Some accident.

Go read the rest.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/01/2008 at 10:06 PM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffJack Booted ThugsTyrants and Dictators •  
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calendar   Sunday - August 31, 2008

Why should we be wedded to the ideal of marriage?  Is marriage outdated ?

If you go the link you’ll need to scroll down a short way to catch this. There are other things by this writer and some interesting comments.

I thought I’d post this here to see what our readers think about this.  Maybe she’s correct but perhaps only for some ppl.

My marriage truth to tell is a joke and has been for ... gee ... I never remember how long.  Ah, wife reminds me married 38 yrs in July. I was too frightened to ask exactly what day in July. We’ve been together for 40 years and I can’t imagine anyone else putting up with me and the career moves I’ve had.  Now when I say our marriage is a joke, I should explain that’s how our mornings start and our days end.  No matter what’s happened during the day, even if we’ve had a disagreement of some kind, the day ends with some wacky silly gag or practical joke.  My wife is somewhat better at practical jokes then I am.

We’ve been thru some very ruff patches it’s true.  Was a time when we weren’t sure it would last a lifetime.  I recall once when we gave some thought to living in seperate places BUT .... at the time we thought by seperate places it should be adjoining apts. or houses.  Nothin’ came of that happy to say.

OK, I’ve had my say.  Now over to you.

Why should we be wedded to the ideal of marriage?
By Melissa Kite
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 31/08/2008

Now that record numbers of pensioners are divorcing, we should really try to be honest about what is happening to that fine old institution, marriage.

We need to be rigorously truthful with ourselves about why 13,678 people over 60 were divorced in 2007, up from 12,636 the previous year and from 9,052 in 1997. We also need to be realistic about why marriage rates are at the lowest level since records began in 1862.

It is painful to let go of dreams. But the simple and unappealing fact is that marriage was a useful institution when women had no possessions of their own and men needed sons and heirs to pass theirs on to.

It was invented as a commercial solution and has now outlived its commercial usefulness. People still fall in love, want to live under the same roof and raise children. But when they fall out of love, they don’t feel they should prolong the arrangement.

Politicians offering tax breaks to keep us together miss the point that couples now marry and break up in the pursuit of happiness. They will stay together for love, but not money.

And when even empty nesters think it is better to embark on an adventure in their sixties rather than stay in a stale relationship, we should accept what is screaming out at us.

Marriage as a lifetime contract is dying. We need to get over our obsession with preserving it at all costs and move on to pastures new.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/31/2008 at 11:31 AM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffDaily LifeLove-Marriage •  
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calendar   Friday - August 29, 2008

Greatness, Borrowed From Rachel Lucas’ commenters

A couple of outstanding Demotivators I found over at Rachel Lucas‘s post on Sarah Palin.

The base, it is energized! Like the EverReady bunny on steroids!

If all goes according to Karl Rove’s soooper sekrit plan, then Tina Fey is going to get her old job on SNL back in a few months:


created by commenter 14 Karat


created by commenter Crusader

I don’t know these folks, I’m just recognizing good work. Each picture is also a link back to their originals at ImageShack. So I’m not stealing anything, just givin out props. M’kay?

How do you make one of these things? Well, first you go here, then you upload a picture, add some text, save it to Flickr or ImageShack, then use the link data (copy then paste) that they provide.

BUT! This is the link text they provide:

Free Image Hosting at <a href=” />

QuickPost Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!

Lots of junk mail comes with it, right? It looks that way, although this was a “try it out with our images” test, not a “real” one. So what if the “real” ones have this dross too? Then what you want to do is to trim the link text of everything after the first < / a > to get rid of most of the ads:

Free Image Hosting at <a href=” />

(to the html fluent, what they give you is a text string that has an image reference inside a hyperlink, followed by another image reference inside a hyperlink, with some text after that. Edit out the 2nd image ref and hyperlink.)

Because I know BMEWS readers can create cool stuff like these whenever they want, too. Hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, know what I mean, eh what?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/29/2008 at 11:00 PM   
Filed Under: • Blog StuffPolitics •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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